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Februar 05, 2022
Bacon Manufacturer Saves Thousands, Maintains Quality With Replacement Slicer Blades

John F. Martin & Sons®, a maker of meat and cheese products for grocery stores, restaurants, and delis, including ham, bacon, deli meat and cheese, realized substantial cost savings by a simple switch of a slicing blade from an OEM blade to a replacement slicing blade from PRIMEdge.

The bacon industry, thanks to more people cooking at home and buying larger quantities, is resulting in double-digit sales, according to this National Provisioner article. To keep up with the increased demand, John F. Martin decided to expand its bacon plant in Womelsdorf, Pa. Initially, the plant was operating with only two Weber® Slicer 702 machines. Today, the company is running a total of six Weber® slicing machines. Mehr >>>

November 18, 2021
Four Cozzini Generations and Never a Dull Moment

Just over 115 years ago, in 1905, with one small suitcase each, a pushcart to sharpen knives and an abundance of courage, two cousins from a small village in Italy’s Northern Dolomites region, boarded a ship destined for America. Four weeks later, Giuseppe and Eduardo Cozzini stepped onto New York Harbor’s Ellis Island, the landing point where thousands of immigrants from every country in Europe were arriving in America, the New World, to begin new lives.

Both cousins had lived their entire lives in what is known today as the Northern Italian Alps. Back then the area was mostly comprised of small farming communities, all within the boundaries of Austria. Giuseppe and Eduardo were from the small Austrian town of Pinzolo which bordered Italy and became part of it in 1916. Both young men spoke fluent Italian and German. Also in 1905, largely due to the necessity to communicate in an already known language, the two made their way to Milwaukee where a large German speaking population had already settled. Pushing their knife sharpening cart from one butcher shop and restaurant to the next, the two soon built a knife sharpening business in Milwaukee, that was large enough to sustain one person. Mehr >>>

August 25, 2021
Fresh Wind from Northern Europe

Since its founding in 1971, HTW has had a clear purpose imprinted in the DNA of all its employees: "Timely & quality service to its customers”. HTW is now part of the PRIMEdge Group under the name “PRIMEdge Sweden”.

From the beginning in the 2000’s, when the courageous founders of HTW decided to invest in precision machinery to professionally sharpen machine blades for their customers, HTW began to be the standard for customers in the meat processing industry. HTW is located in southern Sweden in the small town of Eslöv - only one hour from Copenhagen Airport in Denmark. Mehr >>>

Juli 15, 2021
PRIMEdge, anyway you slice it…

It’s impossible to reflect on the development of high-speed slicer blades without noting PRIMEdge decades-long leadership.

PRIMEdge offers a host of blade configurations and finishes – in circular and involute style - to enhance your slicing operation. Increased yields and throughput are only the beginning. Mehr >>>

Juli 01, 2021
Die vierte Generation der Cozzini-Leitung

Brief von unserem neuen Präsidenten, Alexander Cozzini
Dies ist ein sehr demütigender Moment für mich der viele Erinnerungen zurückbringt, wo ich angefangen habe bis dahin, wo ich heute bin. Es ist eine unglaubliche Ehre für mich, unsere erstaunliche Gruppe von Unternehmen zu leiten und ihnen zu dienen. Im Laufe seiner Karriere hat Ivo ein kleines Unternehmen - das einst in seinem eigenen Keller arbeitete - in ein multinationales Unternehmen verwandelt. Ein Unternehmen, das in einer bedeutenden, weltweiten Branche allgemein bewundert wird. Historisch gesehen war unsere Branche sehr traditionell, spezialisiert und nur wenig auf Innovation ausgerichtet. Ivo ist eindeutig eine Ausnahme in dieser Tradition. Von Ergo-Stählen bis hin zu Emulgatoren hat Ivo der Innovation immer Priorität eingeräumt. Seine Vision zeigt sich in allen unseren Produkten, einschließlich Verbrauchsmaterialien, Ausrüstung und Dienstleistungen.

Obwohl viele von Ihnen mich schon seit Jahren kennen, möchte ich Ihnen mehr Details über meinen Hintergrund mitteilen, einschließlich dessen, was mich wirklich inspiriert und motiviert. Mehr >>>