juillet 15, 2021
PRIMEdge, anyway you slice it…

Increased yield and throughput are only the beginning. Additional PRIMEdge slicer blade benefits can include:
Increased flexibility on slicing temperatures of logs, loaves, bellies and pieces; reduction in (or in some instances, complete elimination of) pre-slice crust freezing; reduced blade turbulence / enhanced portion accuracy of stacks, shingles and layouts; reduced protein build-up on blade surfaces. The list goes on and on…
• All blades manufactured using highest quality German steel
• Variety of available profiles, edges, serrations, coatings and more
• 24–48-hour turnaround for sharpening and serrating service
• Blade testing on your slicing machine at your facility, from our customizable ‘blade library’. Ask a PRIMEdge blade expert.
Pioneering, developing, refining and servicing today’s high-speed, deli-style slicer blades throughout the world.
Put PRIMEdge know-how to work in your slicing operations today.